Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Rapture II - technology

I have been bleating on about this stuff to my long-suffering colleagues and friends for some time. Especially when I am getting cabin fever and a little tired of looking at a screen all day. Especially when I have fifty emails to answer, photos from a weekend party to upload onto Facebook and return phone calls to make. Especially when I hear people complaining that their internet is not working when they should actually be more worried about the fact that there will be no water in five year's time.

So I am going to say this again. Modern technology is ruining our lives. Gasp! Says someone who exploits social media and sends texts constantly. OK, I like to keep in touch and be in touch. But I also know that in the old days we used to keep in touch by actually phoning people, visiting people and... oooh, writing letters! Remember those days? Hell, I am not THAT old and I remember them. And it is time we went back to them. What we need is a Rapture ... but not the religious kind, the technological kind...

Fondly known as the Interwebs. World Wide Web. More commonly known simply as Google. These days you can do just about anything online. Banking and shopping being the most convenient to many. You can also find out stuff, book accommodation and even book a dvd for the night. You can also download music and movies and ringtones. The list could go on and on. And of course there's porn. Which is the backbone of the internet anyway. But that's a whole different story... Where it has gone wrong is this...

So with all this stuff we can do online, we no longer need to go into the bank, the shops, the travel agent or the dvd store. We no longer need to buy music or movies as there are means of downloading them for free. And when last did you go to a movie?? So we have people losing jobs left, right and centre, popcorn going stale in movie houses and libraries becoming obsolete. Kids these days no longer get a set of Encyclopedia's for their birthday, they get a laptop. Gone are the days when you knew the name of your local greengrocer (now there's an old-fashioned word) and gone are the days when you couldn't wait for an album by your favourite band to come out so you could go buy it. Chances are you haven't even bothered to pop into your local cafe down the road or met the owner of the dvd store as you probably downloaded a movie yesterday that isn't even on the circuit yet. It's a crying shame.

The worst thing that happened in our company last year was when the email system crashed. We couldn't cope. We couldn't do our work and it felt like we had lost contact with the outside world completely. Except the outside world of course, was just that. Outside. Not in the computer. I personally loved it, I got to spend more time outside. In the real world. Don't get me wrong, I love email. I get to send and receive funny jokes and I get to keep in touch with friends and family that are miles away. But where it has gone wrong is this...

Now we send emails to a colleague who sits across from us instead of talking to them. We send emails to friends asking how they are instead of phoning them. We send emails instead of birthday cards. We break up with people on email! How sad is that?! Verbal communication has gone down the proverbial ethernet cable. And to be honest, who doesn't miss getting a phone call "just to catch up", or a birthday card or a handwritten (what!) letter in the mail...

Being the queen of socialising, nothing has come along that is more fun to me than Facebook. I will be the first to admit it. I constantly tell people what I am up to, what I was up to and if all else fails, just find some nonsense to write on my status update. I love knowing what gigs are happening, what everyone else is doing and looking at their photographs. But where it has gone wrong is this ...

We no longer send personal invitations to friend's for parties, we put it on FB. Sending photos to friends and family is a thing of the past, we now make albums on FB. And God-forbid you actually PRINT them! Friends and family who are not on FB lose out on our lives completely. How many times has someone said "How was your weekend away" and you respond by saying "Oh it was great. I put updates on Facebook and I uploaded the photos yesterday. You see, if you were on Facebook you would have seen them already."

And then there are FB friends. Sending a "friend request" has to be the funniest thing ever. Bit like being at school and saying to the new girl "Can I be your friend?" Then there's the angst of what to do if someone wants to be your friend and you don't really want to be theirs. So you spinelessly stick them in Facebook purgatory. Now, how many friends do you have on FB that you actually know personally? How many FB friends do you have that you actually know where they live? Then there's the removing of FB friends if you no longer like them or have had a fallout. You don't have to give a reason, you can just quietly remove them from your page. My pal Monster got upset the other day when he noticed that he had lost two FB friends. He wondered what he had said. What!!!? I think we should be worrying more about keeping our good friends. The ones that actually phone us, invite us over to dinner and just pop in to visit when they are in the hood. In other words, real friends...

Mobile phones
The best thing Virgin Mobile ever did was give me 1 000 free smses a month. Yup, one thousand! I can sms everyone about everything, which of course I do. The worst thing they have done is not get their act together with getting in Blackberry. Everybody these days has a Blackberry and everyone is busy BBM'ing everyone else about everything. So I basically feel that I am missing out and I hate that. Mobile phones are useful, fun and great when you get lost or are running late. But where it has gone wrong is this ...

Notice when people get together at a restaurant, or any gathering around a table for that matter, how they immediately get their phones out and put them on the table. In front of them and between you and them. They glance at it constantly and their face lights up when it flashes with a message or a call. Now unless that call is urgent, I consider this to be rude. You are with me, or in good company of others, so be present dammit! Then you get those that feel a constant need to check Facebook from their phones. Or constantly update their status on FB whilst they are out at said gathering. Which means they are not entirely there.. they would rather be on Facebook. The online world being so much more exciting than actually being with real people. And don't get me started on how many people have been dumped via sms. It's sick.

I generally have my phone on silent mode, because I selfishly don't like the interruption of a ringing or bleeping phone when I am involved in something. It messes with my concentration and sometimes upsets the little harmonic world I am in at the time. Which upsets my friends when they can't get hold of me. They do have a point in some cases and I was recently victim of not being able to get hold of some of my friends when I really needed to. But what happened to the days when you only had a landline and when you were out, you were out? Now people can find you anytime and anywhere. Even if you are in hospital, the office will call you and forget about going on holiday and getting away from it all if you take your cellphone.

So, to sum up a very long blog (I had a lot to say), there are a myriad of articles out there talking about times have changed and how we are in fact more lonely in a world of social networking and instant communication than ever before. Of course we are. We spend so much time immersed in all this technology that we have forgotten how to talk to one another in the flesh. We have no idea how to reach out to someone unless it's via a text, BBM or online dating. People are even having cybersex?!! What's next, cyber dinner with a downloadable movie?

We are more worried about losing the movie and music downloads on our portable hard drives than we are about global warming and animal abuse. No longer able to meet a potential partner through friends and social gatherings, we are resorting to finding them online. We are more interested in checking our Facebook updates on our phones than actually listening to the conversation taking place around the dinner table. We get more upset about our laptop crashing than the fact we are going to run out of food in ten years time (my personal favourite rampage).

Technology and devices are being updated at a rapid rate to make our lives more simple, yet it has become more complicated. We are now working later and spending our days checking emails, smses and Facebook. We seem to have less time for our friends, less time to socialise and less time for ourselves.

It all needs to go and soon! A world ruled by robots is suddenly not such a ridiculous prediction after all. Because it seems that it is the human race that are becoming the robots. And that scares the crap out of me...

1 comment:

  1. Makes you think, I BB'ed some friends, replied to a sms and took a phone call just reading this blog (and yes it was long). So as soon as I've checked FB and email, I'm outta here, to the nearest pub for some real conversation. Might even spill some beer on the phone so that I can enjoy the weekend. Oh wait that would be a waste of beer. Make that water. Gotta go, phone's ringing ..........
