Friday, April 13, 2012

Fetishes, lumberjacks and leathers...

Ha! Nothing like a good headline to get people to click on the link... I know this. Which is why I spend more time trying to figure out catchy headlines than I actually do writing anything. Monster has grasped the same concept, except his is in pictures. Men are simple like that. And there goes my free tequila tonight...

So we are having "Cheesy Tunes Friday" in the office today. Right now it's Total Eclipse of the Heart. Scary part it that I know ALL the words. Even scarier is that I had this wild idea to share the eclipse with my Facebook fans (sorry, friends) and couldn't find a music video for it on YouBoobs. Yup, it's that old, which makes me feel old.

Anyhoo, distractions distractions... which is partly why I haven't been blogging. Too many distractions and things to do. Hang on, been summoned for a ciggie break ...

Do you know how hot it is out there! Damn ... the heatwave before winter really sets in. I hope winter doesn't set in tomorrow, I have plans!

So, what have I been busy doing for the last two months you ask? Here are some highlights:

Up The Creek
I go every year. Like some sort of alcoholic and band pilgrimage. This year I went with Barmy Bernie and Madcap Menno. They were awesome and we had an absolute jol. The sun shone, bands played, I met Jesus at the bar, tried my hand (er, waist) at hula hoops with Party Partner and shared my liquor with pirates.

Partying with The Rudimentals
A friend celebrated his 30th birthday in style at The River Club and had non other than the Rudimentals play at his party. Now how cool is that! There were also free drinks at the bar. Which made conversations with Tehobo Maidza (who is also Zimbabwean) very interesting at the end of the evening. I have photos.

A rockstar wedding
When my Rockstar Friend said he was looking for a photographer for his wedding I said I would take the photos as a present. WHAT was I thinking?? I still haven't managed to get through them all (thankfully they are patient). But it was a fabulous day involving a roadtrip with the Mad Greek where we got lost trying to find the venue, the groom in tears (of joy), Party Partner passing out in the bushes and an impromptu jam session after we got kicked out. I love being friends with bands.

Cruising along
Every year I am asked to take photos of a certain function involving engineers and a boat cruise. It is quite a lucrative annual jaunt where I get to go on a cruise from the Waterfront out to Clifton, scoff loads of snacks and drink free beer. I also have to take photographs on the side. This year was particularly fun as Vuvuzella came along (she also does work for them) and the two of us managed to get a chap from Chile absolutely hammered. I mean seriouuusly hammered. I have a photo of him posing by Table Mountain, followed by one of him and us two with shots of tequila. The last we saw of him we were carrying him to a taxi promising to follow for "some good times fun". We shut the door and went to Ferryman's for a nightcap.

Row, row, row yer boat
Being the "year of doing stuff I wouldn't normally do" (did I just say that? That means trouble) I signed up with my Lesbian Friends to go river rafting on the Breede River. I took my trusty Dancing Partner along as she needed a break from the city and she's such fun (and I didn't want to row a canoe dingy thingy by myself). What a jol!! Met some cool lads who were so friendly we thought they were from Joburg (take note Capetonian men), drank lots of tequila, got crapped on by other campers for making too much noise ("We didn't all come here to get pissed") and managed not fall out of our canoe dingy thingies. We did however crash into banks, hug trees and have a mini dodgem-canoe dingy thingy session. Plus a swig of tequila or two on the river. Best fun ever. The Orange River awaits...

Another wedding
Two weddings in the space of a month. What is wrong with people? Marriage is SO 1950's. But whose complaining when everyone comes together to celebrate a day of love. Not me. I never complain about fabulous food, beautifully decorated venues, free love and free booze. Reckless Freckles is finally married to The Tonester, her "lover" as she likes to call him. I have news for her about sex after marriage (if all my married friends are to be believed). The Usual Crew was all there looking all spiffy (men really do clean up nicely for a wedding I have to say) and the clouds cleared to celebrate a happy union. I did speak to RF's mum and when I said "Ah well, at least you don't have to organise another wedding" her response was "Thank goodness. And thank goodness I only have one Reckless Freckles."

Uh oh.... That makes 2 weddings .. which means a funeral must be on its way... Does a goldfish count?

Easter weekend
Most people eat loads of chocolate over Easter. I also ate loads, but not chocolate. Plenty of curry, samoosas and turkey though! Monster and I had a fun time in the cheerful district of the Bo Kaap where we scoffed samoosas and Mnet sandwiches and went walkies while he secretely hoped that his car would be stolen. It wasn't. Thankfully, because getting home would've been a bitch. Then it was a restaurant review with Mum Friend at a restaurant that her car couldn't get to. Serious hills in the Bo Kaap causing screeching tyres. So we walked up the equivalent of half of Table Mountain to get there. Mighty glad the walk was downhill after lunch. The view was good though. And the curry. The following day was the Annual Easter Lunch at The Machine and Slappy's house. See what I did there? Annual. Now they have to have one every year. These two are not conventional by any means, so we had turkey for lunch. Thanksgiving at Easter. With tequila. It was yummylicious (the food as well) and I was having such a good time that when The Young One and Monster wanted to go home I was just short of throwing a tantrum. But I am supposed to be a grown up. So I did what grown ups do. I poured another drink and lit a cigarette in an effort to stall things. Which it did, but not for long. So with quivering bottom lip I was bundled into the car and made to go home. Not ready to throw in the party towel yet, I then whined and whinged about the lack of alcohol in my house when I was "just getting started" to The Machine on BBM. Resulting in him fetching me. Men hate it when chicks whine. We drank more tequila, hit the Sailor, watched The Lost Boys and sang along to Bryan Ferry whilst Slappy danced in the kitchen. I got home the next day. Now that's more like it!

See. That's how busy I have been. Not to mention all the "work" I have to do for the magazine I write for... like restaurant reviews, blogs, accommodation reviews, weekends away ... It' all too much really.

So why the heading you ask? It wasn't purely to reel you in. Tonight I am off to watch Fetish play a gig for the first time in yonkers. In fact I have never seen them live. Good thing is that if I need a lift home I live in the same road as the bass guitarist. Groupie ...

Tomorrow is the Lumberjack Festival in Stellenbosch. I am so excited about seeing manly men wielding chainsaws that I have borrowed a checked shirt for the occasion. I shall also don a cowboy hat and as Monster put it, "lassoo meself a lumberjack". I think I may just try throwing an axe as well. Preferably not at someone. It is also Vuvuzella's birthday. Perhaps I should lassoo her a lumberjack as a present. I am sure she will share.

THEN, as if that's not enough, on Saturday night I am off to a symphony of doom where Monster, The Movie Maker, TDB and Rose Thorn (amongst others) are going to be treating us to a night of doom classics (like I even know doom classics). There will be guitars, men with tattoos, men in leathers and tequila. It is also in memory of a man from a prominent band who has a rather nice big willy. So I really have to go. I will also be filming it. Which should be interesting as I would have had a day of drinking beer with lumberjacks and my "payment" for this filming job is in booze. I wonder if I will be allowed to drink tequila off their guitars or leathers? I was going to say willy's, but I will be banned before I have even got there...

OMG... the Final Countdown.... Cheeesy deluxe version... I need a drink.

See ya next week folks!! Rock on in your sarong ...or your checked t-shirt. Or your leathers...

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