Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sugar highs and chocolate hangovers

So I went off to the hospital on the Thursday and was shamefully defeated in trying to siphon any drugs from my friend’s drip. Too many wires, pipes and beeping things. The beeping thing might have been the friend bed telling me to shut up whilst I went on about how lucky she was to be having such a cool time on morphine.  Noticeably the nurse never left the vicinity of the bed. 

Then it was off to Rehab Boy for dinner.  Arrived at the same time as New Dad, which was lucky otherwise I probably wouldn’t have found the flat. Directions are not a strong point.  New Dad was on the phone at the time telling Wine Farmer that bringing a bottle of his own wine would not be good advertising at this point.  I agreed, but now disagree. 

By the end of the evening I had finished an entire litre of coke and half a chocolate slab.  When I got home I felt like the Duracell bunny. And felt slightly crap the next day.  Which goes to prove that too much sugar is just as bad, if not worse, as too much booze. 

But dinner was good (I have only seen Rehab Boy at bars, never realized he could actually put a meal together) and I scored a pack of chicken breasts, some cheese, a CD and two books.  Being broke has its benefits.  Oh, and I learnt a new game … Rummycup or something.  Lots of numbers involved.  Which is probably why I ate too much chocolate, the concentration was killing me.   And the fact that for some reason I really wanted a drink.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Rummycub is lots of fun - should be played with penalty shots for pathetic loosers ...

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